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Why Does My Water Smell Like Rotten Eggs? How to Remove It?

Plumbing and water treatment companies often face complaints about unpleasant odors emanating from the water, which are often compared to rotten egg smells.  The smell problem can cause many problems for residents. There are the reasons why water smells like rotten eggs and what can we do about it.

First, We Need to Figure out Why does my water smell like rotten eggs

First, We Need to Figure out “Why does my water smell like rotten eggs?”

1.Why Does My Hot Water Smell Like Rotten Eggs? -Magnesium or Aluminum Anode Rods

Sulfur-reducing bacteria: Although hot water can smell like rotten eggs for various reasons, the most common cause is sulfur bacteria (SRBs) in hot water tanks. They feed on sulfur and produce hydrogen sulfide gas as waste. When the gas dissolves in water, it gives off the characteristic smell of spoiled eggs.

Magnesium anode rod: Another common cause is a chemical reaction between high magnesium content water and the magnesium anode rod in the water heater tank.

Water heaters usually include a magnesium anode rod (made of magnesium sulfate) to help prevent corrosion in the water heater. If this magnesium anode rod corrodes:

  • The rods contain magnesium or aluminum, so the metal reacts with sulfates in the water to produce a hydrogen sulfide odor
  • Free electrons are produced in the water, which stimulates the reaction between sulfate-reducing bacteria and sulfate, resulting in the production of hydrogen sulfide (hence the rotten egg smell).

2. Why Does My Well Water Smell Like Rotten Eggs?- SRBs

The rotten egg smell is most commonly found in well water.  The rotten egg smell occurs when well water containing sulfur-reducing bacteria (SRBs) comes into contact with sulfur-containing rocks and soil.

  • Hydrogen sulfide occurs naturally in groundwater — when it comes into contact with sulfur-containing soil and rocks
  • Produced by certain “sulfur bacteria” in groundwater, Wells, or plumbing systems.

3. Why Does My Tap Water Smell Like Rotten Eggs?

Tap water often smells musty, earthy, or even like sewage, although this is usually caused by a simple build-up of organic matter in the pipes and is usually nothing to worry about.  Also depending on your location, water treatment companies often add chemicals to the water supply to make sure your supply is safe to drink.  These include liquid chlorine, fluosilicic acid, aluminum sulfate, calcium hydroxide, and sodium silicofluoride, which produce strange odors.  So it’s possible that the water smells like rotten eggs for one of the following reasons

  • Probably because of the high sulfur content in the water
  • Contaminated water supply: If there is a sewage leak near the surface water or groundwater supply
  • The smell may be caused by bacteria that have accumulated in the drain

 4. Why Does My Sink Water Smell Like Rotten Eggs ?

Gutters are a common source of bacterial growth and odors.  When pipes or drains become clogged or covered with food debris, sulfide bacteria can build up in these areas.  When you run water down a sink, it produces a gas that smells like rotten eggs.  Sanitizing and rinsing is a simple solution.

5. Why Does My Shower Water Smell Like Eggs ?

There are three main things that usually cause showers to smell like rotten eggs:

  • shower drainage tube
  • internal water heater
  • in actual water

If you can find the bacteria, they’re easy to clean (use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or enzyme cleaner) or replace your hose.  But the problem in two-thirds of these places is that we can’t clean them easily (if the problem is in the water heater or the actual water source).

6. Why Does My Cold Water Smell Like Rotten Eggs ?

  • if your cold water smells like rotten eggs or sulfur, the smell is usually caused by bacteria and the sulfur bacteria in the water pipes.  Poor ventilation and corrosion are often factors that increase the growth of such bacteria.  So that’s why your water smells like rotten eggs or sulfur the first time it’s opened.
  • another reason is the water is polluted or has high sulfur content

Second, Is it safe to drink water that smells like rotten eggs?

People assume that drinking water that smells like rotten eggs must not be safe to drink.  This water is perfectly safe to drink and bathe in, but only if it’s hydrogen sulfide.  Other contaminants that can enter your home’s water supply mimic the same smell.  These substances can be dangerous to consume.
  • Hydrogen sulfide produces an unpleasant rotten egg smell.
  • Resulting in discoloration of the water, unappetizing.
  • It can change the taste of the water you drink and the food you cook.
  • Corrodes metals such as steel, copper, iron, and brass.
  • Corrosive metals and water with high levels of hydrogen sulfide can cause discoloration in silver, brass, and copper silverware.
  • Hydrogen sulfide is a gas produced by sulfates. High levels of sulfate, though a natural mineral, may cause stomach problems such as diarrhea.
  • Dehydration: People with diarrhea often become dehydrated, so sulfuric water is also a risk in this regard.
How to solve the question of my water smelling like rotten eggs

Finally, How to solve the question of my water smelling like rotten eggs?

We already know why my water smells like rotten eggs, and even though the water is drinkable, the bad smell is still disgusting, and if we want to solve this problem, first we need to detect the problem, and then offer solutions based on what we detect.

1. Detection Method

On the one hand, we can preliminarily determine the scope of problems through odor:

  • if your hot water smells like rotten eggs, maybe the problem is with the water heater.
  • if your cold water smells like rotten eggs, but only from a water softener treated water, rather than untreated water, the problem is likely to be sulfur bacteria in the water softener.
  • if for the first time open the smell is very heavy, when the water in the hot and cold water tap water smell after weakened or destroyed, or the smell changes over time, the problem is likely to appear in the water or pipe system, it may also indicate a more dangerous problem your water system.
  • if first opened the hot and cold water tap smell is very heavy, with hydrogen sulfide may be groundwater problems. It could also indicate a more dangerous problem with your water supply.

On the other hand, it can also be judged by observing some phenomena

  • related to the sulfur bacteria (signs) of iron bacteria, bacteria mucus can be white, gray, black, or red-brown.
  • silver and black stain on the pipe device (signs of hydrogen sulfide gas).
  • the water distribution system of pipeline corrosion and metal parts (signs of hydrogen sulfide gas).

2. Removal Method

Water Source Problems Cause My Water To Smell Like Rotten Eggs (E.g. Well Water)

For underground water problems, treating water directly is the surest way to reduce the hydrogen sulfide that causes the problem.

  • Disinfect Wells and plumbing systems with strong chlorine solutions: such as chlorine bleach or hydrogen peroxide shock your Wells to temporarily relieve sulfur odor.  It will keep the odor away for 1-2 months.
  • A chlorinator system (chlorinator) is installed at the wellhead for the continuous injection of chlorine gas during water flow.  Chlorination eliminates odor-producing sulfur bacteria, combined with a self-cleaning backwash carbon filter, continuous elimination of odor, and the residual chlorine out of the house.
  • Install the same system as the chlorinator, but use hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorine bleach, then backwash the catalytic carbon filter.
  • Use a water filtration system
  • Install aeration system
  • Pressure injection of ozone gas quickly eliminates sulfur odor
  • Repair or refurbish Wells: to prevent surface water from entering

It is important to note that sulfur bacteria, once established in a well, are difficult to remove and may require pretreatment (such as scrubbing well casing, using special treatment chemicals, and stirring the water before disinfection) — especially if iron bacteria are present. Hiring a licensed well contractor to perform this operation can address issues related to well water quality

Plumbing Systems Or Water Softeners Cause My Water To Smell Like Rotten Eggs

  • with a strong chlorine solution for disinfection of pipeline system
  • clean tube: this is all the faucets opening your home and let them run 5-10 minutes to complete. Then turn off the water and wait a few minutes before testing. By cleaning the pipe, you can effectively remove odors.
  • to replace water softener: after the water softener is treated water problem is likely to be sulfur bacteria in the water softener. Replacing the water softener solution will solve the problem. 

The Water Heater Causes My Water To Smell Like Rotten Eggs

  • Replace or remove the magnesium anode: Remove it by turning off the water source, releasing pressure from the water heater, and unscrewing the stopper.
  • It is worth noting that: when replacing the need to plug the hole; Consult your water heater dealer to determine if you can install a replacement anode made of a different material, such as aluminum.
  • Disinfection Flush: Disinfect and flush water heaters with a chlorine bleach solution – Chlorination kills sulfur bacteria. If chlorination does not eliminate all bacteria, it may occur again within a few weeks.
  • Raise the temperature: Raise the water heater to 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 degrees Celsius) for a few hours. This will destroy the sulfur bacteria. Rinse after treatment to remove dead bacteria to control odor problems. (Note: Raising the temperature of the water heater can be dangerous. Consult the manufacturer or distributor for operational relief valves and other recommendations. Be sure to lower your thermostat Settings and make sure the water temperature drops after treatment to prevent hot water burns and avoid high energy costs.)

Other Odors


Probable Cause

Possible Health Effects

Suggested Remedies

Detergent odor or foaming water

Septic tank leakage into water supply.

Gastrointestinal illnesses (diarrhea, vomiting, cramps).

Eliminate source and shock chlorinate well

Methane gas odor

Naturally decaying organic substances found in shallow wells near swamps.

Houses built above/near old landfills or aquifers
overlying oil fields.

Gas is explosive and toxic to breathe.

A well vent can remove methane from some wells.
Contact a certified well contractor in your area to see if a well vent can be
installed on your well.

Aeration can also be used to remove methane.

Install a residential deaeration system and repump.

Sharp chemical

Leaching of pesticides or other contaminants into groundwater.

Anemia or other blood

Nervous system or reproductive disorders.

Increased risk of cancer or stomach, liver and kidney problems, etc.

Activated carbon filter OR

Reverse osmosis.

Activated carbon filter OR

Reverse osmosis.

Decaying organic matter in the drain

Pollution of well water from surface drainage

An activated carbon filter OR

An automatic chlorinator followed by an activated carbon filter.

Petroleum, Gasoline, Turpentine, Fuel-like or Solvent-like Odor

A leaking fuel tank or underground fuel storage tank near your well

Discharge from factories or landfills contaminating the water supply

Run-off from agriculture contaminating the water supply


Increased risk of cancer

Liver and kidney problems

Report the problem to your county health department

Eliminate the source of the problem

Install an activated carbon filtration system after determining the type and source of the chemical contaminant

Improve Drinking Water Quality - Water Filtration Is An Amazing System

There are many ways to treat drinking water, among which adding a filtration system is a more common way. The filtration system is easy to install and use and easy to replace. It can remove 99.99% of harmful substances, solve 220 kinds of water threats, and improve the taste of water.

  • chlorine
  • pesticide
  • herbicide
  • Bacterial virus


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